Tensions rise between Rogue Runners and Guardians of Tradition
Events in “The run for Run” begin
Events of “The run for Run” conclude
Rogue Runners go to war
Events of “Taking Smithport” occur
Rogue Runners take control of Run
Rogue Runners expand into Aling
Rogue Runners expand to Un Nagait
Rogue Runners take control of Maitz Port and Aling
Began planning the details to repair RR Co’s old damaged asteroid base
Won War against Si Langul Imperial Society in Un Nagait (Stole Majestic class cruiser)
Won war against League of Un Nagait Front, taking control of Mattei Mines and Un Nagait (Used stolen capital ship again)
Approached by Guardians of Tradition ambassador and negotiated a ceasefire for Governor Jarod Wade. He would be left alone with Longomontanus Station in Aling as long as his faction ceased agressions.
Prepared to expand from Run again
Expanded to HIP 2136
Expanded to G 267-24
Governor Wade’s faction began aggressions again. Rogue Runners helped their Ally, Run Organisation, in a war in Run so they wouldn’t lose their assets.
The Guardians attempted to seize assets from The Aling Partners in Aling. They lost this war and were forced into retreat afterwards. They lost control of Longomontanus Station in this conflict. Rogue Runners did not intervene in this war.
Expanded to Hunte
Encountered conflict in G 267-24, forces told to stand down, as RR Co. has no intention of establishing a base of operations in this system
Sent Expeditionary fleet to investigate Thargoid planetary site reports
Left conflict in G 267-24
Declined 2 Election nominations in Hunte
Expanded to Si Langul
Experienced economic growth in Run and Aling
Nominated for a minor election in Si Langul
Won the Si Langul Election and increased our standing here
Expanded from Aling to Guguynich
Declared War in HIP 2136 in order to protect trade assets.
Began planning asset withdrawal from multiple low profit systems.
Pulled assets from HIP 2136
Expanded assets to Enaworka
Fell into conflict in G 267-24 again. Security forces told to protect RR Assets as we prepare to withdraw them from this system.
Ended G 267-24 Conflict
Began pulling assets from G 267-24
Began buying mass quantities of Building Fabricators, Meta Alloys, and Platinum to repair RR Co’s old damaged asteroid base.
Halted asset transfer from G 267-24 until local contract obligations are fulfilled
Fell into conflict in Aling due to disagreements over how to handle increased traffic from RR Co’s mass call for materials
Began planning expansion from Un Nagait
Won Conflict in Aling and began regaining system influence
Expanded to Kanzicnal
Conflict broke out in Un Nagait. RR Co. orders ships to protect assets but not engage other wise. RR Co begins planning to pull assets from Un Nagait.
RR Co sends emergency response ships to evacuate civilians in the Pleiades
Conflict breaks out in Si Langul, RR Co orders security ships to protect employees but to not push the engagement.
RR Co pulls assets from an unprofitable Guguynich
Rogue Runners hold another Election with Run Organisation. Rogue Runners continue to hold system control for the 2nd year running.
RR Co pulls assets from the unprofitable Un Nagait System
Conflict broke out in Si Langul, RR ships ordered to continue protecting assets while they prepare to close the departments in Si Langul
RR Co closes departments in Hunte and pulls remaining assets out
RR Co wins popular vote for control of Enaworka
RR Co pulls assets from Kanzicnal, Si Langul and G 267-24 departments and transfers them to Enaworka to support the new Headquarters there
RR Co devotes all resources to building up Headquarters in Run, Aling, and Enaworka