Cmdr Swabslinger
Cmdr Waukonda
Cmdr Swabslinger joined Autumn in the early days of smuggling to help the inhabitants of Danny's World. He and Cmdr Waukonda volunteered to fly escort for her on those first few runs and have fought by her side ever since. Cmdr Swabslinger normally flys a stolen Imperial Cutter that he repainted black and has fit for multiple scenarios. Swabslinger and "Cindy" primarily focus on
heavy hauls and escorts.
Losing his wife and daughter to the imperial raids on Danny's World, CMDR Waukonda had nothing left to lose and a taste for vengeance. He started escorting smugglers for the Rogue Runners and the rest is history. For a time his sole ambition was to eradicate the Empire from his home system, Run. He has since broadened his focus to destabilizing tyrannical regimes by way of free access to “illegal” goods.