"The Smuggler"
Silent Runner
A silent runner partakes in covert company deliveries to systems where the people need what the government deems contraband. This is a high risk position due to the runner using lighter ships in dangerous space , often alone. This position has the highest pay per ton of any other position but has more downtime due to the extra precautions necessary to safely obtain the goods for the client.
"The Trader"
Fleet Runner
A Fleet Runner regularly transports goods between set points for extended periods of time in order to help systems offload overstocked goods and get them to systems that need them. A fleet runner will run in a wing of several other runners when possible in order to maximize profit gain and guarantee safe and swift delivery of goods. These pilots are the backbone of the company and have the highest tonnage per pilot ratio.

"The Explorer"
Rogue Explorer
This position requires the pilot to be able to survive long periods of time with no assistance and little to no human contact. The current job focus of these runners is to find new trade partners in foreign, distant, and unknown territories as well as bringing foreign artifacts and alloys back to Rogue Runners Co. scientist for examination. They must be quick minded and resourceful due to their isolation and the inhospitable nature of the unknown void.
"The Muscle"
Rogue Security
This position is a part of Rogue Runners’ personal security force. The pilot will fly in wings with other Rogue Runners to protect trade routes and the pilots traveling them. It will also be tasked with the defense of Rogue Runners Co. home system of Run and any expanded interest Rogue Runners Co. turns its attention to. Rogue Security Squadrons can also be petitioned by outside organizations to assist in combat situations and escorts.

Assest Management
"The Expsansionist"
These Runners have a similar position to the Asset Acquisition Agent, except they do not search for new foreign trade partners. Instead, they focus on gaining local business for Rogue Runners Co. and expanding our reach into nearby systems. These Runners are experienced in all other positions at Rogue Runners Co., and are prepared to perform any of the above roles in order to secure business for the company.

Rogue Extractor
"The Miner"
This position requires an innate knowledge of material collection and refinement. A runner in this position will know how to navigate deadly, sometimes pirate infested, Asteroid fields in order to bring back all of the materials needed by various Rogue Runner Co stations and outpost. These outpost will use this material to do anything from fleet production to basic material trading to grow the economy or even to fill customer orders. These runners will be dispatched with fighter escorts and other miners as much as possible to insure their safety. Rogue Extractors are vital to the company's ability to be self sufficient.

Rogue Crew
"The Crew"
These Runners will assist in the operation and maintenance of larger Rogue Runner Co. Ships as they fulfil their contracts, whether it be escort duty, mercenary work, or any other contract type. This position will become available once the Rogue Fleet has grown beyond the repair and maintenance capabilities of its home system engineers.

Xeno Task Force
"Alien Investigation"
These Rogues venture forth into the unknown to discover everything they can about the mysterious Alien races we are beginning to come into contact with. Are they friend? Or Foe? As a member of the Xeno Task Force, you will be ready for either answer.