Company policy on pilot pledges:
Rogue Runners Co. does not discriminate politically. Therefore, it accepts pilots from all factions. Pilots are allowed to change allegiance amongst powers as they see fit with no repercussions from the company. Pilots are also allowed to be members of other factions within those powers. Rogue Runners Co. hopes to employ members of all groups in order to insure that fair and honorable treatment be given to all factions.
Rules of engagement:
Rogue Runner pilots are not permitted to participate in piracy. When assisting a power with power play they are allowed to engage pilots of opposing powers , even if the pilot is a Rogue Runner as well. A Rogue Runner takes their life into their own hands when deciding to participate in politics, as the company will have pilots assisting all sides of a conflict.

A brief explanation on political standing:
As long as you're paying and you are not bent on galactic annihilation, we can do business,
Rogue Runners is an independent corporation. It is neutral to all powers in the galaxy and will pledge itself to no one. However, Rogue Runners does not condone piracy, and therefore will not do business with known pirate factions or powers.
The goal of The Rogue Runners is to acquire pilots from all political factions. This will allow the company to dedicate wings to service each power’s needs whether it be simple commodity acquisition or the power is in need of assistance acquiring or maintaining control of systems. While pilots are allowed to run missions for multiple powers, they will be required to uphold any contracts they accept from a power or government. Rogue Runners sabotaging a power by promising to deliver and intentionally failing to do so will be punished and in most circumstances have their employment terminated.
What we're about
We supply goods to those that need them, regardless of legality. Everything is legal somewhere, and we go everywhere.
Rogue Runners is a logistics company built on altruistic principles, but also has an eye for making money. If you need it transported, they can do it, regardless of the legality of the cargo.
It was founded by a young woman named Autumn Leif, who got into the smuggling business out of necessity, but stayed in it for profit. They have acquired their own security force and have taken control of the Run system.
The company has recently begun hiring smugglers, traders, and combat escorts to help expand their reach and to assist in contracts from outside groups. They hold a firm belief that anyone should be able to acquire what they need, regardless of what their governing body has to say about it or how far out they are located. To back up this philosophy, they are searching for a wide range of logistics experts. Anyone from closed loop traders and long range smugglers to exploration gurus looking to spread humanity across the milky way.
While in conflict with an Imperial faction in the Run System, they have not chosen a major faction or power to support nor are they against any faction or power as a company. They allow their pilots to run political missions at their own discretion.